Green, Renewable, Energy-Saving / Recycling…. Good on Paper, Bad on Wallet?

How many times have I invested in renewable, energy-saving / recycling companies? Way too many. Each seems so promising, so refreshingly intuitive, in the right place, at the right time…. Yet, they never seem to work out. The biggest pitfall? Competition. Typically, the competitive landscape is unfathomable to all but the management teams, who mistakenly believe it to be fathomable. Pre-revenue, working capital starved enterprises are the norm. Looking to be recognized, but with no budget to advertise, and relying on market share gains from word-of-mouth to grow into their capital structures. 

Yet, here I am writing about another small-cap company in the renewable, energy-saving / recycling space. So which kind is it this time? The reader asks half-heartedly … wind, solar, hydro-electric, geothermal, tidal or wave power, bio-mass? Nope, none of those. The company I speak of designs and builds proprietary wastewater / sewage {heat} recovery systems, in which heat in the form of thermal energy is captured & recycled. This is truly a win-win-win outcome, the systems save energy, money & water, while avoiding the emission of measurable amounts of greenhouse gases, “GHG.”

Introducing Wastewater / Sewage {heat} Recovery Systems, by International Wastewater Systems

Never heard of wastewater / sewage {heat} recovery? Look what pops up on a Google search for, “wastewater heat.” Note, it’s not just the topic that appears, but the actual company, Canadian-listed International Wastewater SystemsCanadian Ticker: IWS. For those questioning the value of Google Search due diligence, trust me, it can be quite telling. For example, search for anything with the words, “solar” or “wind” or “recycle,” and prepare to be inundated with hundreds & hundreds of product & service offerings, and news.