Perhaps you saw the recent article about home safes selling out in Japan. This is an unintended consequence of the Japanese central bank’s negative interest rate policy. People are starting to pull their paper cash out of the banks. They are withdrawing all they can and buying personal safes to horde currency at home. The reasoning is, of course, why leave your cash in the risky banking system when you get zero return from it sitting there? In truth, Japanese banks are slowly sucking their depositors’ wealth away – charging them for the right to lend them money.

Interest rates have been falling for 30 years here in the US and this trend shows no signs of abating. To wit, Janet Yellen and the Fed recently raised the federal funds rate in December. Since then interest rates have still fallen lower.These continuously falling interest rates are a clear indicator that our monetary system is collapsing. In fact, negative rates may well be right around the corner in the US.

As many of you are already aware, fiat currencies don’t last forever. They are essentially glorified pyramid schemes of government debt. As respected as the US dollar is in the world today, it is no different. It too will collapse, just as every other fiat currency has.

The good news is that people can, to a great extent, protect themselves from this deception and the theft of their money by “opting out” of the fiat currency system. The way to accomplish this is by owning real money: physical gold and silver.

This got me thinking recently – as these fiat currencies come tumbling down, millions will be devastated financially. But some will fare better than others. So this raises a question: which citizens of the world today are best situated to endure this economic collapse?

It stands to reason that private citizens in countries with the easiest access to physical gold and silver will weather the storm the best. Even if it’s in the form of jewelry, people who have physical precious metal in their possession will be much better off as the fiat currency regimes collapse. This is because they will have access to a zero, third-party money that can at least keep the economic wheels turning. In this sense, private ownership of gold and silver really is power to the people.

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