The Chart of the Day belongs to Fleetmatics (NYSE:FLTX). I found the fleet management software stock by using Barchart to sort the Russell 3000 Index stocks first for a Weighted Alpha of 50.00+ or better, then for technical buy signals of 80% or more and then for a 50-100 Day MACD Oscillator buy signal. Finally I used the Flipchart feature to review the charts. Since the Trend Spotter signaled a buy on 9/17 the stock gained 23.29%.
Fleetmatics Group Limited provides fleet management solutions for small and medium-sized businesses delivered as software-as-a-service. It offers Web-based and mobile application solutions, which provide fleet operators with visibility into vehicle location, fuel usage, speed and mileage and other insights into their mobile workforce. The Company’s solutions are marketed and sold under both the Fleetmatics and SageQuest brands. Fleetmatics Group Limited is based in Tallaght, Ireland.
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