It was a choppy week with global equities falling early, only to jump on Wednesday following the stronger-than-expected ADP National Employment Report. However, gains were short-lived as the recent Fed minutes spooked investors, causing stocks to sell off in the latter hours of the trading day. Treasury yields were relatively flat, while the dollar gained further against the euro. Gold ended the week slightly higher.
Weekly Returns:
S&P 500: 2,356 (-0.3%)
FTSE All-World ex-US: (-0.5%)
US 10 Year Treasury Yield: 2.38% (-0.01%)
Gold: $1,255 (+0.4%)
USD/EUR: $1.060 (-0.5%)
Major Events:
Our take:
The first quarter of 2017 is now at an end. It was an interesting period, with politics garnering most of the attention. International stocks led asset class returns, followed closely by gold and foreign real estate, while commodities lagged on weakness in energy. We’ll provide a more in-depth review in our quarterly market commentary, which will be released shortly.
But as we start Q2, a familiar face has already recaptured the spotlight: the Federal Reserve. On Wednesday, the Fed released its latest minutes, addressing a long-standing elephant in the room: the central bank’s inflated balance sheet. Officials agreed to start shrinking the $4.5 trillion portfolio later this year, but remained undecided on the pace of the reduction. The news surprised markets, sending stocks sharply lower in afternoon trading.
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