The Chart of the Day is Bona Film Group (Nasdaq:BONA). I found the film distribution stock by using Barchart to sort today’s All Time High list for the highest technical buy signals, then used the Flipchart feature to review the charts. Since the Trend Spotter signaled a buy on 12/15 the stock gained 4.31%.
Bona Film Group Limited operates as a film distributor engaged in the distribution of movies to theatres and non theatre circuits in the People’s Republic of China. The Company’s non-theatrical distribution channels include home video products, digital and internet distribution; and cable, satellite, and broadcast television. Additionally, Bona Film owns and operates movie theaters in commercial districts and residential areas in several major cities in China. The Company is also engaged in the production and advertisement of films. Bona Film Group Limited is headquartered in Beijing, the People’s Republic of China.
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