I’m really not one for conspiracy theories, but I’m recognizing a pattern I’ve seen all too often with Apple analysts They are setting up to crush Apple stock price. It became apparent yesterday when Apple (AAPL) stock dropped 3% on a poor showing from one of Apple’s chip suppliers, Dialog Semiconductor.

Quite frankly, if you know anything about Apple’s supply chain management principles, then you would know they never rely on a single supplier of anything, And besides, the miss reported was manufactured in some analysts minds…it’s all a smoke screen.

The fact is that Apple analysts are doing everything they can to control Apple price to fit their model of the industry, which is by the way, completely warped. Apple analysts still don’t understand the tech giant, and are pissed off that Apple doesn’t give them favor as to future plans.

Last Friday, Apple stock surged 3% based on strong reports from other Nasdaq leaders like Google. Well, analysts just won’t have that…because they were planning on dragging Apple price down before the holiday season. So, Dialog Semi makes good cover to discount Apple.

Now there are reports starting to filter out that Apple forward guidance might miss, and some analysts are cutting back their targets.

I think they are setting up a complete smoke screen, by painting a picture that Apple is weak, when in fact Apple will likely report extremely strong, due to the fact that most of the iPhone 6S revenue will be reported in this quarter. However, that surge will make relative forward guidance look weak. So…

My prediction is the revenues will be strong, forward guidance will miss, analysts will pig pile onto Apple and bash it into the ground, and price will drop sharply. And everyone will be wondering…WTF just happened?

There will of course be the benefactors of such volatility…the big brokers that employ the analysts…just think of the volume of orders AND ALL THAT COMMISSION.

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