In response to a reporter’s question, Trump outlined a “major tax cut” prior to November. It’s not going to happen.
When asked, Trump repeated the claim and the date.
Video Length: 00:01:09
That video is from October 20. Thus, Trump proposed a tax cut, or at least an outline of one, would happen in 11 days.
Made Up on the Fly
Video Length: 00:03:01
Not Going to Happen
What’s It All About?
Politically speaking, the last tax cuts were a public relations disaster. Trump is smart enough to recognize that.
Inept Democrats failed to take advantage.
Instead, the Democrats wasted time on Kavanaugh and with Elizabeth Warren’s ridiculous DNA scam that made her look incredibly foolish.
For every mistake Trump makes, Elizabeth Warren, Nancy Pelosi, or some other totally inept Democrat comes to the rescue.
If you are a Republican, you are laughing out loud.
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