Every year, a vast amount of copper is used by the global economy to manufacture a wide variety of goods.

It’s a major ingredient in big-ticket consumer goods like autos, appliances, electronics, and new homes. Simultaneously, copper is also gobbled up for many industrial uses including telecommunications, utilities, construction, and industrial machinery.


Today’s infographic comes to us from Kutcho Copper, and it shows the red metal’s important role in the economy, as well as why it has become a famous economic bellwether.

Rising Demand
When the economy is doing well and new things are being made, demand soars for the red metal.

Rising Price
When demand goes up, it drives the price of copper higher.

All Eyes on Copper
Because of this historic relationship, analysts around the world watch the price of copper closely.

Dr. Copper
Copper’s long history of predicting economic movements has famously earned it a nickname as the metal “with a Ph.D. in economics”

In other words: when construction and manufacturing are growing, so do sales of copper products. But this link as an economic gauge has other important implications, especially to investors looking to build a robust portfolio.


While copper’s link to economic trends is interesting, it’s power to shield a portfolio from inflation is even more compelling.

Rising prices come from an overheating economy with strong consumer spending – the same factor that is an influence on copper prices. As a result of this connection, tor every 1% annual increase in consumer prices since 1992, copper’s price jumped almost 18%.

In an analysis by Bloomberg Intelligence, copper outperformed every major asset class aside from energy as an inflation hedge – and during periods of rising consumer prices, copper had triple the 5.2% gain logged by gold.

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