Written by John Lounsbury and Steven Hansen

The headlines say new home sales improved and was above market expectations.

Analyst Opinion of New Home Sales

This month the backward revisions were small and the rolling averages significantly improved. This was a good month for new home sales.

This data series is suffering from methodology issues which manifest as significant backward revision – and this month the revisions were mixed. Home sales move in spurts and jumps – so this is why we view this series using a three month rolling average (rolling averages declined}.

Econintersect analysis:

  • unadjusted sales growth accelerated 9,3 % month-over-month.
  • unadjusted year-over-year sales up 16.0 % year-over-year. Year-over-year growth rate this month was below the range of growth seen last 12 months.
  • three month unadjusted trend rate of growth accelerated 4.6 % month-over-month – is up 11.2 % year-over-year.

    US Census Headlines:

  • seasonally adjusted sales up 5.8 % month-over-month
  • seasonally adjusted year-over-year sales up 15.6 %
  • market expected (from Bloomberg) seasonally adjusted annualized sales of 574 K to 605 K (consensus 584 K) versus the actual at 621 K.
  • The quantity of new single family homes for sale remains well below historical levels.

    Seasonally Adjusted New Homes for Sale

    The headlines of the data release:

    Sales of new single-family houses in March 2017 were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 621,000, according to estimates released jointly today by the U.S. Census Bureau and the Department of Housing and Urban Development. This is 5.8 percent (±15.5 percent)* above the revised February rate of 587,000 and is 15.6 percent (±15.0 percent) above the March 2016 estimate of 537,000.

    Unadjusted New Home Sales Monthly Volumes In Thousands

    The median sales price of new houses sold in March 2017 was $315,100. The average sales price was $388,200.

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