
Are you tweeting or are you engaging? When it comes to successful Twitter marketing, simply tweeting about your business isn’t going to cut it. Without a solid strategy to actively engage followers and customers, your tweets could easily vanish into the Twitterverse,

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Growth is essential to any business’s success. For most entrepreneurs, growth is gradual and a little slow at first. But with the right tools and techniques, some can make their sales skyrocket quickly and sustainably. This was the case for

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Which customers are most profitable for you and what marketing tactics work best to attract them and encourage customer loyalty? In a recent survey, Huzzah Media found there’s a big gap between what marketing methods small business owners use and the ones

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In early 2011, Google launched Social Circles and we all wondered what they were and how they’d be used. A couple of months later, Facebook hired Burson-Marsteller to create a whisper campaign against the search engine, in the hopes of dissuading enough people to

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Negotiating is a near-daily part of life for a small business owner. In any given week, you might be negotiating with a job candidate you hope to land, a retailer you hope will carry your product or another entrepreneur with

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Too many news agencies are doing it wrong. Social media are not after-the-fact forms of one-way communication you use just to promote your content after the story is written. Social media are ongoing, two-way discussion tools meant to help build

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When most people hear the words “search engine optimization”, they think primarily of marketing, search engine rankings, and page views. These are, obviously, the most prominent uses of SEO, but did you know that the practice of optimizing keywords is even

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Internet sensation, South Korean pop star Psy first released “Gangnam Style” in July of 2012. Unbeknownst to all, it would go on to viral like no video has gone viral before. How could a song with references very specific to

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While the Super Bowl is often full of nonsensical, decidedly nontraditional advertising, the most effective ads are created with a shrewd marketing strategy in mind.  These ads follow strategies that can be advantageous to companies of any size or budget.

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When it comes to marketing, there are two primary tactics we can use: inbound marketing and outbound marketing. But which one can win in the final competition? Let’s see the differences first. Inbound marketing: it uses blogs, eBooks, podcasts, social

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