The best-rated sectors in our ADR universe are healthcare (GWPH, TEVA, SHPG, ADAP) and basic materials (BAK, LUKOY, NHYDY, EC, CEO). Services and technology score neutral. Financials, consumer goods, industrial goods, utilities score below average. Note: Scores will shift next week to reflect Q4 historical seasonality.
Zone, region & country ranking
The strongest zones are the Middle East (PTNR, TEVA) and North America (BMO, RY). The Middle East and North America are also the best-rated regions. The top-scoring countries include Bermuda (SIG, SFL), Canada (BMO, RY), Norway (NHYDY, EQNR), Finland (UPMKY), and Switzerland (NVS, FERGY).
ADR Ranking:
The following ADRs score best and worst in our universe.
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