Using our Trend Analyzer tool, we built a custom portfolio of the five FAANG stocks in order to easily track their price trends. As shown in the snapshot of our custom FAANG portfolio below, gains over the last week have pushed all of the FAANG names back above their 50-day moving averages (the black vertical “N” line in the trading range section).

Netflix (NFLX) has been by far the strongest of the FAANG names in 2018 with a gain of 67%. A near parabolic move recently has pushed NFLX 27% above its 50-day moving average and well into overbought territory.Amazon (AMZN) is nearly just as overbought at NFLX as well, but it’s up about half the amount of NFLX on a year-to-date basis.

Outside of AMZN and NFLX, the gains have been much more muted, but they’re still gains nonetheless. GOOGL is up 5.85%, FB is up 4.11%, and AAPL is up 3.4%. While Apple (AAPL) has been as flat as a pancake over the past week (up 0.02%), Alphabet (GOOGL) and Facebook (FB) are up more than 4%. Today we saw both GOOGL and FB break back above their 50-DMAs, which is a healthy sign.