Written by Ben Carlson
Retirement planning can be a daunting prospect. The entire process of trying to plan for something that is decades out into the future is overflowing with uncertainties, assumptions, and guesswork. That is why so many people put it off. While it’s something recognized by most people to be vitally important, most people don’t think it’s urgent, so they put it off to focus on what’s right in front of them right now. How is one ever supposed to make rational decisions in the face of such uncertainty?
Here’s my list of uncertainties involved in the retirement planning process:
How is one ever supposed to make rational decisions in the face of such uncertainty?
First of all, you have to understand that financial planning is a process, not an event. Investors are too easily distracted by all of the underlying assumptions involved in creating a comprehensive plan. Yes, those assumptions are important, but how you react when life invariably gets in the way is far more crucial. A real world plan rarely plays out like it does on a spreadsheet. Therefore the implementation of the plan is the real key to success.
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