The way investors and media obsess about Black Friday is passé. It’s Cyber Monday that’s in vogue.

Yes! The Monday after the Thanksgiving weekend is predicted to be the largest online shopping day for U.S. consumers this year. Per the Adobe Digital Index 2015 Holiday Shopping Predictions, this year’s Cyber Monday online sales will grow 12% year over year, hitting a record $3 billion in a single day. Black Friday, on the other hand, is predicted to bring $ 2.7 billion in sales.

The National Retail Federation reports that 79% Americans plan to shop online on Cyber Monday. That implies demand from 183.8 million shoppers.

So popular is it that the online shopping tradition has extended to become a four-day – Friday through Monday – online shopping extravaganza.

Of course there are plenty of reasons behind the increase in Cyber Monday’s popularity. As Fortune puts it, “a feeling similar to “Black Friday fatigue” has yet to creep in for Cyber Monday.”

Cyber Monday also appears to accelerate purchases. It’s a known fact that the first step is the hardest; but once you start shopping, it is difficult to stop. According to Wyatt Investment Research, in 2014, an average shopper shelled out $468 on Cyber Monday compared to $309 on Black Friday.

What makes this Cyber Monday more attractive?

According to Adobe’s new holiday shopping forecasts, the majority of holiday shoppers will tune in to their mobile devices to browse retail sites this shopping season — accounting for approximately a third of online sales.

Online sales, as Adobe predicts, will go up 11% from the last holiday season, translating to a good $83 billion.

Another study by Forrester Research predicts that Americans will splurge a total of $95.5 billion online this holiday season. The research firm anticipates online sales to go up 11% in November and December. Though slightly slower than last year’s 12% rise, it is still about three times the growth of overall retail for the holidays.