“The Die is Cast” for Europe and the EU. This is what Caesar said when he crossed the Rubicon in 49 BC marching towards Rome, leading to a major change in Europe’s history. The Italian referendum which took place on December 4 had a similar significance. The Brexit vote in which Britain decided to divorce from the EU started the breakup of the artificial construction of 500 million people being ruled by an unelected and unaccountable elite in Brussels. Even worse is an artificial paper currency, the Euro, which is used by 19 out of the 28 EU countries. All paper currencies are of course artificial constructions that eventually become worthless but to have a currency for 19 countries with different cultures, different growth rates and productivity and vastly different inflation rates is a total disaster.
This is why Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal and many more EU countries are totally bankrupt. These countries have been forced to use a currency which has made them completely uncompetitive and unable to export or function. At the same time, Germany has benefited from a weak Euro which has made their export industries very successful.
A dire destiny for Europe
The referendum in Italy last Sunday changes the destiny not only for Italy but for Europe and also the world. The Brexit vote was the first indication that governments and the elite in the West are totally out of touch with the people. Trump’s win in the US presidential election confirmed the same phenomenon. In Italy, people are fed up with the Renzi government which lost the referendum on the Italian constitution. In itself, the referendum is not that significant but it is seen as a protest vote against the Renzi government. Interestingly, Renzi is the only European leader that officially backed Hilary Clinton and this is likely to cost him dear. Most of the European leaders hated Trump but no one was stupid enough to officially back Clinton.
With Renzi losing the referendum and resigning, it will likely lead to an election which the actor Beppo Grillo would win. His party is anti-globalism, anti-establishment and anti- immigration and anti-EU and Euro. In Austria’s presidential election last Sunday, Norbert Hofer lost by a small margin. Hofer is on the far Right and also anti-immigration and anti-Muslims. Many European countries already have Eurosceptic governments like Hungary, Croatia, Poland and Slovenia. In 2017 there will be elections in France where Marine le Pen’s National France is well placed. In Holland the Party for Freedom which is anti EU is also well placed. And in Germany there will also be elections in 2017. There is strong opposition to Merkel due to the major immigration problems that Germany is now suffering, all of Merkel’s making.
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