Last January 2, 2015, I wrote a piece about 10 Things That Will Change the World – here. One of those “things” was Wireless Medicine (and now Telemedicine). The stock I recommended at the time was Cardio Net, Inc. (NASDAQ: BEAT) then trading at $10.50. BEAT has changed its name to BioTelemetry, Inc. (which they feel more accurately depicts what they do) and is now trading at $16.50.

So, what else is new at BEAT? And, why do I think it is even a better buy today than when I originally recommended it.

BEAT – the leader in Wireless Medicine (real-time health monitoring)

BEAT is the leading wireless medical technology company focusing on the delivery of health information to improve quality of life and reduce cost of care. The company currently provides cardiac monitoring services, original equipment manufacturing (with a primary focus on cardiac monitoring devices) and centralized cardiac core laboratory services. It is the only pure play in this new “disruptive” field.

Simply put, they monitor bodily functions: pulse, heart rate, respiration, perspiration, etc. 24/7/365 and send that info via a cell or computer connection to the cloud. This info is monitored by BEAT for patterns that might show a problem and then alerts the patient and/or the doctor. This allows patients to identify for example, heart problems months before the actual attack thus allowing the opportunity to use medication rather than surgery to solve the event. This avoids huge medical bills – not to mention pain and suffering. Such is the promise of “preventative medicine.” In today’s ultra-modern recovery rooms, virtually all the tracking of patients is done wirelessly. GE has run a whole series of TV ads discussing the in-hospital equipment and services they offer. BEAT has the opportunity to offer many of these types of services to the patient while at home and directly to their doctor via the cloud. BEAT’s monitors have the advantage being able to store over 30 days of continuous EKG (electrocardiogram) data versus 10 minutes for an normal EKG or 24 hours for a Holter monitor. Ultimately, home monitoring will go far beyond cardiac monitoring to full blood work, urine analysis, and body chemistry monitored from the home or direct to the doctor with the right equipment and apps. This is the potential of BEAT.*