Brexit 2016 British Pound Expectations
Brussel’s bombing did not help with the Brexit risk. The UK is facing an uncertainty which could ultimately impact its economy: “Britain exiting the European Union” known as Brexit. Just in the anticipation of a potential Brexit 2016 British Pound is already dancing down to the beat of rumors. What will happen to the GBP in case of a Brexit? Let’s build a forex trading strategy with the help of the Invest Diva Diamond Analysis.
Brexit 2016 British Pound Euro Impact GBP – EUR Forex Dance Floor
1-Brexit 2016 British Pound – Fundamentals
Let’s first start with what the heck a Brexit is: it simply means an EXIT of BRitain from the European Union. On February 20th David Cameron, Britain’s prime minister, set June 23rd as the date for a referendum on Breixt. Several recent polls have shown small majorities in favor of a Brexit at the referendum.
Why are there Brexit talks?
The Brexit 2016 topic became especially popular in February. However rumors about it have been around for years. Even at the best of times Britain has always been a semi-detached member of the EU. Simply put, many British people think they can do better alone. They also think the EU benefits more from the UK, than UK from EU. Economic problems with some members of the EU, such as Greece, haven’t made the EU membership any more appealing either. Let alone horrible terror attacks in France and Brussels.
Who is in favor of a Brexit?
Brexit 2016 supporters mostly include people who are worried about immigration and border control. The polls suggest the public is overwhelmingly sympathetic to the idea that Britain needs to restrict immigration.
“Control our borders”, “make our own laws”, “get our money back from Brussels” are a few of their Brexit 2016 campaign slogans. High levels of immigration and fear of terrorism have increased the “let’s-leave” temptation.
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