I am fed up with the way central bankers are distorting global financial markets and housing markets. Just because you can print as much money as you like does not mean you should do so! What we have witnessed since 2008 is a massive scheme by central bankers to print money to bail out bankers and pump up property and stock markets so as to protect those with wealth at the expense of the young, those that save and those that work hard for a living because they have very little net assets. 

Printing money has punished savers, by artificially raising bond prices it has artificially lowered interest rates leading to even more debt creation, it has created a global property bubble in major cities and benefited the rich at the expense of the poor and bailed out incompetent bankers who get bonuses even though their shareholders have been hard hit. It has also enabled zombie companies to stay open when they should have been closed. Enough is enough – if you believe in capitalism then you let the markets sort themselves out let the strong firms and banks survive and the weak fail or be taken over by the strong. Not content with zero interest rates those meddlesome central bankers now want to steal your money by imposing negative yields. What kind of economy is it where the elites start stealing money from you ?

Similar sentiments have been expressed today by Jim Rodgers I encourage you to to read them (Central bankers ‘don’t have a clue’).