Video length: 00:02:25


During the day on Wednesday, we have quite a few announcements coming out around the world which can move the markets. Because of this, we believe that the markets will offer a plethora of opportunities. Ultimately, we believe that energy markets may take a bit of a pullback, especially considering that the markets have possibly gotten ahead of themselves, especially in the crude oil markets.

1 – We have the US dollar looking very interesting at this point in time, due to the fact that we are starting to see a real hesitation by the Federal Reserve in raising interest rates. However, it should be interesting to see how the interest-rate announcements coming out of Canada and New Zealand move the US dollar against the two currencies. With that being the case, the market could offer an interesting trade against commodity currencies.

2 – The stock markets tend to go back and forth during the course of the session in our opinion, and as a result it’s likely that we will offer short-term trading opportunities going back and forth through Europe, North America, and elsewhere. With this being the case, look for short-term back and forth type of opportunities as we bounce.

3 – Precious metals should continue to go higher over the longer term, and as a result we look at pullbacks as potential call buying opportunities in a situation that has been so strong. Ultimately, we believe that gold and silver will eventually go much higher over the longer term sold every time it pulls back you have to think that it’s only a matter of time before call buyers step back in.

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