The beginning of every month is exciting for all dividend income investors as we look back at the previous month and see how much passive dividend income our portfolios generated. November was exciting as ever as my year over year numbers continue to highlight the trifecta magic of dividend investing which includes, adding fresh capital, dividend raises and basic compounding to create an ever increasing passive income stream. Even if I stopped adding fresh capital today and every dividend stock I owned kept all distributions flat without a single raise my passive income stream will still continue to grow.

For the last several months I have been adding to my existing holdings and I intend to keep adding to those holdings rather than initiate new positions as I am finding ample opportunity to average down on some high quality names sporting much better yields and values. One such name that matches that criteria is Archer-Daniels-Midland Company (ADM), a December stock consideration of mine that is currently yielding a historically high yield north of 3% because of commodity pricing pressure. Of course, many REITs are offering us better value and yield these days too as Fed interest rate hike noise results in a lot of shareholders dumping interest rate sensitive stocks. In any case, let’s get to the reason why you are here, my November dividend income totals.

Dividend income from my taxable account totalled $264.45 up from $198.15 an increase of 33.5%from November of last year.

Dividend income from my ROTH account totalled $173.03 up from $40.24 an increase of 330.0% from this time last year.

Dividend income from my IRA account totalled $48.60 up from $0 from this time last year.

Grand total for the month of November: $486.08 an increase of 103.9% from November 2014.

Brokerage Account

Year to date dividends: $2,894.06

Date Description Symbol Amount 11/02/2015 DIVIDEND:GIS GIS $31.82 11/06/2015 DIVIDEND:BCR BCR $0.96 11/06/2015 DIVIDEND:YUM YUM $26.36 11/09/2015 DIVIDEND:APD APD $31.65 11/13/2015 DIVIDEND:CLX CLX $10.42 11/16/2015 DIVIDEND:CL CL $6.55 11/16/2015 DIVIDEND:ABBV ABBV $45.61 11/16/2015 DIVIDEND:PG PG $12.13 11/16/2015 DIVIDEND:ABT ABT $13.17 11/20/2015 DIVIDEND:KHC KHC $31.49 11/20/2015 DIVIDEND:CAT CAT $54.29       Total: $264.45