The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJI) closed at 15,660 today (six points below the last secondary low). DJIA is now confirming the long term down trend with the Dow Jones Transportation Average (DJT). With both indexes below their previous secondary lows we’re officially in a Dow Theory bear market. The expectation is that both indexes will continue to make lower lows for the next one to three years. There will be strong rallies during the process, but when the primary trend is down, rallies generally fail.

In order to change the primary trend back to bullish, DJIA will need to surpass about 17,920 with DJTA confirming the trend by surpassing about 8302. Those targets will stay in place until they are surpassed or new secondary highs are created. A new secondary high would require a rally that lasts more than three weeks and retraces 33% to 66% of the decline from the November highs for the indexes.


Dow Theory has signaled that we’re in a bear market. It’s time to be cautious and protect your portfolios. Traders should look to short rallies rather than buying dips.