Apple (AAPL) opted to use its own A9X ARM-based processor for its iPad Pro. However, this is still somewhat a blessing for Intel (INTC) because the iPad Pro is unlikely to cannibalize sales of Intel-powered MacBooks.

The other positive thing coming out of the ARM-based iPad Pro is that millions more hackintosh users will likely buy the Surface 3 or the Surface Pro 3. The continuing absence of touchscreen-friendly MacBooks or iMacs will inspire creative professionals to buy Windows 2-in-1 tablets. They can then convert them to hackintosh productivity machines.

Why It Matters

A YouTube video showed Apple’s Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10 already works well with the touchscreen-enabled Lenovo (LNVGY) IdeaPad U430 Ultrabook. The U430 is a $1,000++ high-end laptop, which uses a 4th-gen Intel Core i7 processor.

The proliferation of Intel-based Windows/Linux touchscreen laptops like the $499 Surface 3 opens up a new opportunitythat caters to the market segment that Apple ignores with its $1,000+ MacBooks/Mac Pros with no touchscreen displays.

OEMs like Lenovo will sell more of its higher-end laptops that are Mac OS X friendly once more people learns about its touchscreen compatibility.

UK-based Touch Base also sells software that helps people create touchscreen-enabled hackintosh machines like the Surface Pro 3. There are millions of digital artists who liked the Surface 3 because of its heavy duty design utilization.

Readers cannot therefore dismiss the revenue stream from Intel-made hackintosh processors, motherboards, and chipsets. In spite of Apple suing and winning against Mac cloner Psystar in 2008, the hackintosh global industry is actually a thriving market. The CultOfMac article already hinted that up to 2 million individuals were members of the hackintosh community last year.

But I say there are more people now doing hackintosh builds due to Apple’s free giveaway of Mac OS X Mavericks and Yosemite. The new Mac operating systems’ unannounced support for touchscreen operations could also encourage more creative professionals to buy touchscreen-enabled laptops/desktops for hackintosh conversion.