As hard as it is to believe, we’re headed full speed into the end of 2015. That means now’s a perfect time to discuss one of the most powerful investment tactics of all.

Before I tell you what it is though, let me say that the tactic we’re going to discuss today is something many investors believe they know a lot about. Yet, in practice, very few actually get it right.

That’s sad because “it” can significantly boost your returns and reduce your losses – all while taking less than 90 seconds of your time.

Ready to get started?

Here’s How to Maximize Profits Immediately

People ask me all the time how much time they have to put into investing to make the process “worth it,” and they nearly fall over every time I answer…

about 90 seconds.

That’s about how long it will take you to “rebalance” your portfolio.

If you’ve just joined us, rebalancing is one of the single most powerful yet easy-to-use strategies available to individual investors today for five simple reasons:

  • You can do it anytime.
  • You can lock in profits immediately.
  • You minimize risk every time you rebalance.
  • You maximize upside potential for years to come.
  • You can do it easily… in about 90 seconds.
  • Simply put, rebalancing is a strategy that ensures your money is working the way you want and, perhaps most importantly, is aligned with your individual risk tolerance, objectives, and financial aspirations.

    Here’s How Rebalancing Works

    Let’s say you have a $100,000 portfolio that’s invested 50%-40%-10% in stocks, bonds, and speculative investments, respectively. That means you’d have $50,000 in stocks, $40,000 in bonds, and another $10,000 in speculative investments.

    A year from now, let’s suppose that stocks have appreciated 10% and bonds have lost 12% because the U.S. Federal Reserve got aggressive. Let’s also say you hit the big time with your speculative play and that it’s up 100%.