Nope it is not interest rates, nope it is not Donald Trump! It is the CRUDE OIL crash, so simple!

Jim Willie has good comments in the first 40 min of this. 

Energy company …

– Debt is blowing up (See energy element of HYG).

– Hedging at oil $100 is coming to an end.

– Iran coming back to the market, more supply.

– Saudi still providing massive supply.

– Oil tankers holding oil parked in the ocean are coming in to harbor to unload

– US dollar strength supports lower oil prices

– World wide DEMAND slump for energy or deflation.

– More oil being sold outside the US Dollar

– The Oil futures can not be manipulated easily as folks actually request and get delivery


And the Crude oil Channel break out south is near!

Investing Quote…

…”I was brutal in self-analysis. He told his sons his conclusions: “Successful trading is always an emotional battle for the speculator, not an intelligent battle.”…He knew that his biggest enemy was his own emotions.”…

Jesse Livermore

..“Because of the extreme challenge, one must commit full attention to it.” Market speculation is “no different than trying to be a successful doctor or lawyer … you simply must devote yourself full-time to the study of your craft”…

Bernard Baruch

..“Successful speculation requires staying on top of changes in industries and companies that either create new industries or improve on existing industries. The majority of your profits will come from these two … The shrewdest traders throughout history all adapted the skill of reactionary change, as the market constantly presents new and different opportunities.”..

Bernard Baruch

..“One must search through a maze of complex and contradictory details to get to the significant facts … Then he must be able to operate coldly, clearly, and skilfully on the basis of those facts.” The challenge for the successful speculator is “how to disentangle the cold hard facts from the rather warm feelings of the people dealing with the facts.” Moreover, “if you get all the facts, your judgment can be right; if you don’t get all the facts, it can’t be right”…

Bernard Baruch

Investing should be more like watching paint dry or watching grass grow. If you want excitement, take $800 and go to Las Vegas.

Nobel Laureate for Economics Paul Samuelson

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