In May of 2008, there was a very similar stock market ‘rally’ as compared to today’s ‘rally’.Investors believed that the ‘turmoil’ during the latter part of 2007 and the early part of 2008 was permanently over and that we were headed towards a strong economic growth!

In actuality, it merely masked the ‘declining economic collapse’.The same situation is happening, all over again, even as you are reading this article.There are numerous flashing red lights, currently while the stock markets is ‘collapsing’ once again, just as it did during the beginning of the spring of 2008!

There have now been four consecutive quarters in which corporate earnings have declined. The profits from the SPX were down over 7.1 percent during the first quarter of this year.

The U.S. markets have now entered the next phase – a stock market downturn. The global financial system is now starting to ‘unravel’ which will have far reaching implications!

In fact, the real truth of the matter, is now about to worsen, from this point of time and onwards!

While this country has 100 million American people, who are unemployed and searching for work, and yet are unable to find any, I say this is a major RED WARNING ALERT that must now need be heard loud and clearly!

According to the FED, forty-seven percent of all Americans are not able to come up with $400.00 in case of an actual emergency situation, that they may incur.  They would either need to sell personal belongings or borrow the money, somehow!

The majority of Americans are now living from paycheck to paycheck.

In December of 2015, when the FED raised their interest rates, for the first time, in almost a decade, they had projected a one percent ‘hike’ in 2016. I was apprehensive of their prediction and had forecasted that the FED would not “materially” hike rates!

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