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 A brief synopsis of topics and charts I cover include:

  • The recent rally that had us reaching profit targets.
  • Using the Fibonacci extension, is the S&P500 on track to go higher?
  • If equities break down, what will we be trading next?
  • Precious metals are bullish overall, but will the trend last much longer?
  • Bonds have had a recent pop, but is this indicative of a new trend?
  • Oil has reached resistance; will it be able to break through?
  • The BAN Hotlist; how sectors continue to rise and fall more quickly during the stage three topping phase of the market.
  • US dollar, is it still basing?
  • The danger of getting caught up in the opinions of other people vs. the safety of following price only.
  • Video Length: 00:08:00 More By This Author:The Retirement Financial Reset Is Coming – A Reality Check For Investors
    Is The Market Finally Running Out Of Steam?
    Do-Or-Die Week For Stocks And Gold To Pause/Pullback

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