For traders with a short-term time horizon looking for big moves, we have updated our list of the S&P 1500 stocks trading above $10 that have the largest intraday high-low ranges (based on the average percent spread between the intraday high and low over the last 50 days). The stocks are grouped based on whether they have a rising or falling 50-day moving average (DMA).

While the pickup in volatility from the late January highs has been going on for less than three weeks, we are already starting to see an increase in volatility among the most volatile stocks. Of the 50 names highlighted below, 26 have seen average intraday high low ranges in excess of 5%.

The most volatile stock in the S&P 1500 is Fossil (FOSL) with an average daily range of 7.9%. The stock is up over 75% today alone! While that’s a big move for one day, it doesn’t have nearly as large an impact on the intraday range, because a lot of today’s gain came in the gap which isn’t captured in the intraday high/low spread. In other words, even before today, FOSL was a volatile stock. Besides FOSL, the only other stock in the S&P 1500 that has seen an average daily range of more than 7% is Consol Energy (CEIX).

Other notable names that made the table below include Mattel (MAT), RH, Winnebago (WGO), and Mallinckrodt. The highest priced stock listed is World Acceptance (WRLD).With a share price of $106.99, and an average daily range of 4.8%, the stock typically swings over $5 per day on an intraday basis. Finally, in terms of sector representation, the majority of the stocks listed come from one of three sectors. Technology and Health Care both account for 14 names, while a dozen come from the Consumer Discretionary sector.

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