Third purchase in 31 days?  Now that’s what I’m talking about.  I’m starting to feel like the Lanny of old again, if only the grey hair can revert back to black, I’d appreciate it.  January finished off with some tail winds, as big final year earning releases are coming out, Trump making his speeches and movements, as well as your everyday volatility that January typically brings.  As dividend investors, we need to sit tight and buy when we find the right value at hopefully the right times if you can.  This purchase signifies that, based on my analysis.  Let’s find out why I purchase Pfizer (PFE)!

Pfizer (PFE) Stock Purchase

Cannot believe I bought Pfizer (PFE)…  What many of you may not know is that Pfizer was the first individual stock that I really purchased back in my early days, I believe this one was a 2010 purchase, if I’m not mistaken, back when it was trading in the low-to-mid $14’s.  Well, times have changed, their dividend has grown every year since then and the “blue” pilled company has been very strong as of late.  Pfizer has $195B in market capitalization, released their earnings that shared 11% revenue growth, with 9% diluted EPS growth, as well – not too fricken bad.  What does that mean for dividend investors?  It means they are performing better than in the past, which allows room to continue to pay the dividend, as well as increase it!

1.) Though they were not on my 2017 Stocks to Look forward to.  I wanted to build this position up from an investment basis that started such a long time ago, as they produced only around $85 in forward income for me.  I know that may sound like quite a bit, but I wanted a more round/robust position in Pfizer, but never could think of the right time.  Well – I picked them up 1 day before their ex-dividend date, talk about timing.  Further their product brands in Viagra, Lipitor, Advil, Chapstick, Centrum, Robitussin, Thermacare, I feel like I can go on.. just like PG & JNJ, love keeping it simple here.

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