It’s close to midnight and something’s buying oil in the dark. Under the moonlight, you see a pop that almost Stops Your Stop. You Try to Scream, but the computer takes the trade before you change It. You Start to scream, as oil rallies hard right before your eyes, You’re Paralyzed!
Cause this is a thriller. Thriller night. And shale oil is not gonna save you. Oil is going to spike because it’s a Thriller night. Bears will be fighting for their life. Inside a kill thriller rally tonight.They’re Out to Get You, Oil supplies are tightening on every side. They will possess you unless you Change Your bearish trading style. Now Is the Time for you and me to start to buy my dear.All Thru the Night, It’ll Save You from the Terror on the Screen, I’ll Make You See.
Markets rally across the Land; the trading hour Is close at hand. The Foulest Stench Is In The Air, The Funk of those oil spending cut back years and Grizzly Ghouls from cartel are Closing into Seal Your Doom And Though You Fight To Stay Alive Your oil Starts To Shiver For No Mere Mortal Can Resist trading this oil Thriller.
Welcome to the bullish side. Oil prices maintain their bull market as a rash on analysts are starting to raise their oil price forecast and traders are getting afraid to go short as global inventories start to get sucked down faster than Dracula can empty a victim. Oil demand is on the rise and shale oil output is underperforming and the path to a shortage is looking ghoulishly real.
Jon Kemp of Reuters has a creepy if not horrifying assessment that says that “The oil market is now well into a cyclical upswing and within the next year the narrative about “rebalancing” is likely to be replaced by one about “tightening”.He says that rebalancing started well before the production pact between the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and its allies went into effect in January. OPEC has been open about the fact that the rebalancing process pre-dated its agreement, with officials repeatedly noting the accord was intended to “accelerate” a process that was already underway.
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