With three weeks of February in the rear view mirror it is time, once again, to highlight my recent stock purchase. As market volatility remains the flavor of the day we are being presented with some pretty good buying opportunities if you can stomach these wild swings. Of course, if you have a long term horizon for your investment plan then over time these wild gyrations will be smoothed out and these daily ups and downs should not be much cause for concern. Keep investing, stay diversified and try not to get shaken out of the market when things really do dive. I always state that I make my monthly buys no matter what’s going on in the market or the world for that matter and this month is no exception. With that being said let’s take a look at my February stock buy. Sticking to my February 2018 Stock Considerations:

I have added to my IRA account 15.6864 shares at $51.00 for a total investment of $800.01 in Ventas, Inc. (VTR). With this recent purchase my IRA account holdings in VTR now totals 71.4150 shares with a market value of $3,645.02.

The health REITs continue to look extremely weak in 2018. Rising interest rates, inflation fears and D.C. policy uncertainty has created the perfect storm to drag down the entire sector. In fact, the sector is so beaten down that my last three buys have all been in the health REIT space. I’ll continue to watch the space and add to my positions selectively as my REIT exposure is still a relatively small section of my overall portfolio holdings.


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