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Reddit hosts thousands of threads on many different topics, but finance is one area that is particularly interesting, and while some finance threads encourage responsible investing there is one that does just the opposite …. WallStreetBets.

While the sensible “Investing” thread has 183,000 members, its less popular cousin “WallStreetBets” has 38,000. However among that number are young Reddit members willing to risk it all on outlandish positions in a bid to get rich quick like Martin Shkreli, writes Sally French for MarketWatch.

Reddit thread encourages risky behavior

Members of the group are called “YOLOers” after a term popularized by a Drake song. It stands for “You Only Live Once” and sums up the high appetite for risk that these young millennial traders display.

The subreddit was created by Jaime Rogozinski, who was “downvoted” on the Investing subreddit for discussing risky bets. He claims that the two forums are “kind of like archnemeses.”

To get a better idea of the kind of behavior encouraged on WallStreetBets, look no further than the identity of a famous alumni. Pharma Bro Martin Shrkeli was once an admin before he took to price gouging pharmaceuticals.

“This subreddit, they love Martin Shkreli,” said Asad Butt, a 25-year-old Pennsylvania trader who posts frequently to WallStreetBets. “He is living their dream. He got rich. He might have lied and cheated along the way, but [on the forum] that’s encouraged.”

YOLOers go for broke on big bets

Shrkreli is now in serious legal trouble but that hasn’t dented his popularity on Reddit. “People want yachts,” Butt said. “They want to be rich. The joke is we are all aspiring millionaires. Shkreli actually did it. He’s a hero.”

Many posts refer to “YOLOing” or going all in on a big bet.