Each weekend as part of our Bespoke Premium and Bespoke Premium research service, clients receive our S&P 500 Quick-View Chart Book, which includes one-year price charts of every stock in the S&P 500.  You can literally scan through this report in a matter of minutes or hours, but either way, you will come out ahead knowing which stocks, or groups of stocks, are leading and lagging the market.  The report is a great resource for both traders and investors alike.  Below we show the front page of this week’s report which contains price charts of the major averages and ten major sectors.

As seen in the charts below, the only major average that didn’t hit an all-time high this week was the Russell 2000, but it remains right near its highs with only a small pullback. In terms of individual sectors, we saw new highs from Consumer Discretionary, Financials, and Technology, while Telecom Services (a sector with just three stocks) made a new low.