A very interesting article at Daily Kos has been posted. Title: There’s been HOW many pipeline spills in Alberta in the last four months?

Seems the Canadian news system does not find oil, gas and toxic water spills from the mining of carbon fuels to be newsworthy.   But, the native Indian sure find it news worthy. Their news outlet, West Coast Native News has been tracking all the spills. You know, it’s there yard getting contaminated.

The Kos article quotes WCNN:

Over the past year WCNN has reported on many Crude oil and Toxic produced water spills all over Alberta, in fact we have reported over 600,000 Litres of toxic crap that has been spilled just last month and yet not one mainstream media outlet has picked up the incidents. So lets take a look back at just the last month (October) and see just what the mainstream is not telling you.

Of that 600,000 liters (165,107.5 gallons or 3931 barrels) 136,000 is crude oil. That is, for us non metric thinkers, 35,927.4 gallons or 855.41 barrels of crude oil spilled in one month. How long has there been mining in the area with pipeline transportation?

You can go here to get the raw data from the regulatory agency, Alberta Energy Regulator. The volumes are in cubic meters however.  In the month of October there are 46 spills reported, well or pipeline. Twenty three (23) are pipeline spills.  Four of those pipeline spills are crude oil.  There are at total of 10 crude oil spills including the 4 pipeline spills. The other spills are some mixture of water (salt or fresh) with petroleum, or raw gas releases, contaminated water, etc.  NONE of them are listed as having an emergency status phase.

The author of the article at Daily Kos writes:

I noticed that in the report of an incident document, every single report mentions that no effects to wildlife or waterways occurred… WHAT??


Examples of 3 reported pipeline failures: