The S&P 500 has faced some short term weakness recently, falling for 4 consecutive days after making an all-time high.

These quick “reverse downs” are common. They’ve happened 53 times from 1950-present.

Here are the historical cases from 1990 – present, and what happened next to the S&P 500.

Here’s the most important point: these “instant reverse downs” don’t happen immediately before a bull market tops. They happen at least 5 months before bull markets top.

  • This didn’t happen at all before the October 2007 bull market top.
  • This happened in April 1999, 11 months before the March 2000 bull market top.
  • This didn’t happen at all during the 1970-1972 bull market.
  • This happened in June 1968, 5 months before the December 1968 bull market top.
  • So while we are in the late stages of this bull market, the bull market isn’t over yet.

    Moreover, you can see that this it typically marks a short term bottom in the stock market. (See 1 week forward returns)

    Moral of the story: the stock market’s short term isn’t necessarily bullish right now, because the short term is rarely more than a 50-50 bet. However, if you hold a short position right now, please exercise caution.

    Lastly, let’s talk about FAANG. Facebook made a “death cross” recently. (“Death cross” is when the market’s 50 dma falls below its 200 dma).


    Historically, this is more of a bullish sign than bearish sign for Facebook. In a bull market, this marks the low for Facebook.