What is going on with Turkey?

Personally, I think that Erdogan is being ‘put in his place’. 

But that’s just my opinion and I could be wrong.

I was out most of the day taking the Ohio contingent of visitors around seeing the sights.

Gold and silver were spanked today, out of proportion to the rise in the dollar.

I think we are putting a bottom in right here. The futures and commitments of traders are at the kinds of extremes where they start flashing a warning. And the hedge funds’ muppets were making sure that dire pictures of gold and silver were being painted frequently today.

But again, that is just my take on things, and I could be wrong.

Stocks were saved today, from a much worse decline. But even with that, they still finished lower on the day.

 And the devil takes the hindmost.

Have a pleasant evening.


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