Right now, there’s a great migration taking place…

All over Asia, people are leaving the country and moving into cities.

These six large countries in the region… China, India, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines and Vietnam, are expected to see some 300 million people move from rural areas to cities over the next decade.

This has been a long-term trend throughout the world. But it’s never been this big – so many people within such a short period of time – anywhere.

What this means is that there’s about to be a huge demand for real estate in these cities… for decades to come.

Let me explain…

The booming Asian middle class

We’ve talked a lot about how China is seeing a massive middle-class boom. Back in 2000, just 4 percent of China’s urban population was considered middle class. By 2022, that figure will be a whopping 76 percent.

In short, there are expected to be 550 million middle-class people in China. That would make China’s middle class alone big enough to be the third-most populous country in the world.

And India’s not far behind…

According to the World Economic Forum, India’s middle class could be larger than China’s by 2027.

Think tank Brookings Institute suggests that by 2030, two-thirds of the global middle class will be living in Asia.

But, unlike their parents and grandparents, these new middle class people won’t be working in factories making cheap plastic products for the West. Booming countries in Asia are moving “up the value chain” from manufacturing to services. And that means more people will be working in offices in the service sector – in jobs like finance, entertainment and hospitality.

And this new middle class will be migrating to urban areas.

The great urban migration

Between 2014 and 2050, India and China are projected to add approximately 700 million people to their urban areas alone. In other words, the equivalent of two times the entire U.S. population will be moving into cities across India and China over the next three decades.