Shakespeare, in Richard III, uses the phrase “Winter of our Discontent” as a way for King Richard to express his feelings about living in a world that hates him.

Interestingly, while Richard expresses his own discontent, he is also celebrating the fortunes his family has gained.

The U.S.’s political scenario certainly mimics the time of Richard III in several uncanny ways.

The Year of the Fire Rooster is not quite over (February 16th is the start of the new Chinese Year).

However, winter’s water has begun to supplant summer’s fire.

Our Rooster will be replaced by the Earth Dog in 2018.

I will have commentary on the essence of what that could mean for the market in future Daily’s.

Thus far, the fire rooster has thwarted a lot of discontent in 2017, as seen through the relentless rally of the stock market.

As we literally enter the start of winter, we begin to see the underpinnings of the winter of the market’s discontent.

Do these recent reversal topping patterns have our fire rooster heading for the coop?

I have yet to find an indicator as reliable as the 1 index and 5 sectors of the Economic Modern Family.

Just as Sister Semiconductors (SMH) relayed major bullish readings at the start of the year, SMH now broadcasts warnings.

Transportation (IYT) which exploded once it cleared the 50 Daily Moving Average and into a Bullish Phase, now signals a possible top in place as of Monday’s action.

The Russell 2000 (IWM) which had small-cap value investors frothing at the bit, made new highs yesterday and today, confirmed a reversal top.

Regional Banks (KRE), the aptly named Prodigal Son, behaved true to his nickname.

Up at new all-time highs yesterday with tons of options buyers, today, KRE asks for forgiveness after his costly extravagance to the bulls.

Big Brother Biotechnology (IBB) is close to breaking down under the 200-DMA. That makes the 99-101 area key to hold.