The Chart of the Day belongs to Walker & Dunlop (NYSE:WD). I found the financial services stock by using Barchart to sort the Russell 3000 Index stocks first for a Weighted Alpha above 50.00+ then again for technical buy signals greater than 80%. Since the Trend Spotter signaled a buy on 9/21 the stock gained 17.59%.
Walker & Dunlop, LLC is engaged in providing commercial real estate financial services in the United States, with a primary focus on multifamily lending. The Company also offers service loans for life insurance companies, commercial banks and other institutional investors as a loan broker. The Multifamily and FHA Finance groups of Walker & Dunlop are focused on lending to property owners, investors, and developers of multifamily properties across the country. The Capital Markets and Investment Services groups provide a broad range of advisory, financing, investment consulting and related services. Walker & Dunlop’s Healthcare Finance group provides debt financing for healthcare properties. The Company’s Principle Investments include origination, underwriting, execution and management of commercial real estate opportunities across property types and geographies within the continental United States. Walker & Dunlop, LLC is based in Bethesda, Maryland.
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