Doug Casey spoke with Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog. Just like Jim Rickards,Jim Grant, and Dr. Ron Paul, Casey believes we’re in the middle of a cataclysmic era of central bank intervention that will result in an unprecedented monetary collapse. In fact, Casey doesn’t think the United States ever got clear of the economic hurricane that devastated the markets in 2008. Instead, we’re simply in the eye of the storm, and things are going to get much worse before they get better. His advice? Buy gold and silver:

The average guy after he does these things I’ve just mentioned, should buy gold, frankly. Don’t keep your savings in a bank, so much as [in] gold coins… Or silver coins. Silver is more volatile than gold, and of course since it’s worth so much less, it’s harder to store if you have a significant amount of wealth. But absolutely [also buy silver]. In fact, I think there’s more upside in silver than there even is in gold… “

Highlights from the interview:

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