In our conversation on Friday, I said the market is greatly oversold so far this year.

I also said I’d get back to you with some of the more exciting bargains I’m seeing out there. Today I’m keeping my promise.

Here’s a list of three life sciences stocks I believe are poised for a big rebound.

Why life sciences? Because, despite the recent slump, that sector – which includes biotech – offers investors among the best long-term opportunities for building wealth. And that means you definitely want biotech in your portfolio, especially now.

The market is already bouncing back.

And that means the three plays I’m going to tell you about are poised to hand investors 69% on average…

The Other “Invisible hand”

As a longtime tech investor, I generally steer clear of political controversy. I’m too busy hunting down big-gain opportunities from cutting-edge firms.

That doesn’t mean I won’t take note of political “games” if and when they effect the markets – or my readers.

In my mind, there’s no question that politics are at least partly behind biotech’s recent oversized losses.

(From Dec. 29 through Feb. 11, the sector lost 22% of its value – nearly double the S&P 500’s 12% decline.)

Biotech’s recent woes began in September, when Turing Pharmaceuticals raised the price of Daraprim, a 62-year-old anti-infection drug, from $13 a pill to $750. That ignited a firestorm in the halls of Congress, with several members calling for an investigation into why the price of an old drug would rise 5,670% overnight.

Then, in December, word broke that Turning’s CEO, the much-reviled Martin Shkreli, planned a sharp increase on another drug he’s involved with at a different biotech firm.

It bears noting that the Dow Jones U.S. Biotechnology Index bottomed out on Feb. 12, barely a week after Shkreli testified before Congress about the infamous drug increase (by “taking the fifth”). It’s gained more than 6% since then.