Most people have, at one point in their lives, dreamed or thought about being rich, and all the benefits being rich would bring. Yet most people don’t really have to become rich as one of their investment goals, they rather are interested in saving money for their retirement, or they plan to supplement their salary via dividend income.

Yet, surprisingly, becoming relatively wealthy via dividend growth investing is not impossible at all.

Getting Wealthy – Easier Than Most Would Assume

It is not easy to define an absolute level of wealth at which point an investor is wealthy or rich. Much depends on circumstances such as the place of residence, the number of family members that need to be supported with one’s income or assets, etc.

One definition of being rich is that one’s assets are large enough to cover one’s living expenses until the end of one’s life – you don’t ever have to work again (yet may choose to continue to work). Hitting this level of wealth, again, depends on several variables, including the standard of living one is aiming for.

Getting to that level of wealth is not easy, yet a lot easier than most people would think. It does not take extremely large earnings to get to this level of wealth, as long as one follows several principles:

  • One has to start saving as early as possible, as the investments one makes can compound for a longer period of time.
  • One has to save regularly, and preferably a high portion of one’s income (pay yourself first).
  • One should invest into assets that have a good chance of compounding at an attractive rate.
  • All proceeds from one’s investments should be reinvested.
  • How Dividend Growth Investing Can Make You Wealthy

    Dividend growth stocks, such as the Dividend Aristocrats or Dividend Kings, have historically generated highly compelling total returns – higher ones than the broad equity markets (e.g. the S&P 500), with less volatility and lower drawdowns on top of that.