The Electric Vehicle Revolution is an undeniable trend that will only grow larger in the near future. There are many ‘moving parts’ that support this important trend – the miners of battery metals, the vehicle manufacturers, the builders of charging networks and adoption by end users. Here are the latest developments in the electric vehicle and battery metals markets.

Video Length: 00:19:06

1) Gregor Gregersen, Founder of Silver Bullion, on CNBC: Most people are unaware of the huge potential in nickel.

  • The electric vehicle battery industry is moving towards an 80% nickel battery chemistry.
  • More nickel in batteries allow improved driving range and power. However, it needs a stabilizing agent like cobalt to keep the battery from burning up.
  • Nickel price is still very cheap compared to other battery metals such as cobalt and lithium. Its price is 25% of its 2007 high.
  • 2) Gianni Kovacevic,  Executive Chairman of CopperBank, shares in this interview how the electrification of transport is a global phenomenon. 

  • The Chinese city of Shenzhen’s entire 16,000-strong bus fleet is now fully electric.{C}
  • Consumers will pivot from internal combustion engine vehicles to electric vehicles based on cost vs price considerations.
  • Electric vehicle demand will impact copper positively as electric vehicles require four to five times for copper.
  • Copper is already in a supply deficit – no major copper mines coming online until 2022.
  • 3) City of Toronto Buys BYD Electric Buses

  • Electric bus order came from Toronto Transit Commission (TTC), Canada’s largest transit operator and the third largest transit operator in North America.
  • TTC starts with 10 40-foot BYD transit buses with an option for 30 more later.
  • TTC plans to buy only emission-free buses by 2025.
  • 4) Seattle to Receive First Electric Refuse Trucks from BYD